Wednesday, 31 October 2007

How to define a motherfucker in math

In math logic you don't have to write only math's laws, we can describe everything in our world. For example, in the following diagram you can see a logical expression which defines a motherfucker:

where 'A' is Anne and 'T' is Thomas. In normal speak the expression is: "Anne wants to Thomas and is not true that Thomas wants to Anne or Thomas wants to Anne only if he wants to have sex with Anne."

Cascading riddle

Well, do you think, you understand CSS and browsers? So you can try this riddle.

On the example page you will see a few colored streaks and your work is discover, where are the streaks defined without taking a look at the external CSS. The important thing is, that I don't use CSS property border. If I use it, there will be more and more streaks. In the site is no images, there are only HTML and Cascading Styles. And in the end don't look at the page in MSIE because this browser is susceptible to show pages... Unusual.

The page: Cascading riddle